06.1 The Fundamental Property Relation


From the physical world to the realm of mathematics (uakron.edu, 15min) In Unit I, students develop the skills to infer simplified energy and entropy balances for various physical situations. In order to facilitate that approach for applications involving chemicals other than steam and ideal gases, we need to transform that approach into a realm of pure mathematics. In this context it suffices to apply the energy and entropy balance of a very simple system (piston/cylinder) then focus on the state functions that are involved (U,H,S,...). The mathematical realm is relatively abstract, but it is ideally suited for the generalizations required to extend our principles from steam and ideal gases to any chemical.

Comprehension Questions:

1. In example 4.16, we noted that the estimated work to compress steam was less when treated with the steam tables than when treated as an ideal gas. Explain why while referring to the molecular perspective.

2. In Chapter 5, we noted that the temperature drops when dropping the pressure across a valve when treating steam or a refrigerant with thermodynamic tables, but the energy balance suggests that the temperature drop for an ideal gas should be zero. Explain how these two apparently contradictory observations can both be true while referring to the molecular perspective.

3. What is the relation of the state variable dU to the state variables S and V according to the fundamental property relation?

4. What is the relation of the state variable dH to the state variables S and P according to the fundamental property relation?

5. What is the significance of writing changes of state variables in terms of changes in other state variables?

6. Why is the compressibility factor (Z=PV/RT) less than one sometimes?

7. Is it possible for Z to be greater than one? Explain.

8. What is the significance of having a relation for P = P(V,T)? How will that help us to solve problems involving chemicals other than steam and ideal gases?

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State Functions Equation Check (LearnChemE.com, 3min) determines which form of various state functions is incorrect.

Comprehension Questions:

1. Which of the following relations is not valid (may be more than one)?
dA = dH - d(PV) - d(TS); dA = dG - d(PV); dG = -SdT + VdP; dA = dH - d(PV) - TdS

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