Top-rated ScreenCasts
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12.05 - MOSCED and SSCED Theory | Click here. | 28.5714 | 7 |
There are so many activity models, how can you keep them straight? This video shows how MAB, SSCED, and Scatchard-Hildebrand models are all closely related.(9min, By changing the assumptions, one model can be transformed into the other. So focus on remembering one model very well, then remember the small adjustments to obtain the other models. Comprehension Questions: |
10.11 The Ideal Solution Approximation and Raoult's Law | Click here. | 28.5714 | 7 |
10.9 - 10.12 Mixture Properties Overview (6:53) ( Why does Raoult's law work sometimes? Why does it fail sometimes? How can we hope to understand why it fails? This section of the text is thick with lots of equations. It may help to filter out the most important equations and results so that you have the perspective of the overall objectives of this section. There are a lot of equations in this section to show that Raoult's law is a equlity of an ideal gas component fugacity with an ideal solution liquid fugacity! By understanding the assumptions used in the development of the equation, we can begin to understand the limitations of Raoult's law. This screencast goes on to preview the methods developed in the next sections of the textbook to deal with deviations in fugacities from ideal solutions and the ideal gas law. |
08.03 - The Entropy Departure Function | Click here. | 28 | 10 |
The Entropy Departure Function (11:22) ( Comprehension Questions: The RK EOS can be written as: Z = 1/(1-bρ) - aρ/(RT1.5). |
03.5 Mixture Properties for Ideal Solutions | Click here. | 28 | 15 |
Stream enthalpies for the DME process (uakron, 7min) can be estimated using the "heat of reaction" pathway (Fig 3.5a) or the "heat of formation" pathway (Fig 3.5b). This presentation is based on Fig 3.5b, which is very similar to Fig 2.6c. The main difference is the inclusion of the heat of formation for each compound relative to its elements. Including the heat of formation puts the reference state for each compound on the same basis of comparison (ie. the elements). If one stream (e.g. "products") possesses more enthalpy than another stream (e.g. "reactants") then the energy difference between the streams (e.g. "heat of reaction") would be accounted for by simply subtracting the two stream enthalpies. Reactions inherently involve multiple components, so including the heats of formation in the stream enthalpies, as well as the other enthalpic contributions represented in Fig 2.6c, is inevitable. These sample calculations are illustrated for all the streams appearing in the DME process. The presentation follows up on the discussion of Fig 2.6c for pure fluids. Once you understand the calculations for each pure fluid, the mixture property simply involves taking the molar average, so: H ≈ ∑(xi*Hfi+CpiigΔT+(qi-1)*Hivap). In this equation, (qi-1)*Hivap accounts crudely for departures from ideal gas behavior. For example, if a stream is a vapor, then q=1 and Hvap doesn't matter. If q=0, then the stream is a liquid and Hvap must be subtracted. We will study more accurate models of ideal gas departures in Unit II. Comprehension Questions: 1. Compute the enthalpy, H(J/mol), of methanol at 250C and 2 bars relative to its ideal gas standard state elements. 2. Compute the enthalpy, H(J/mol), of DME at 250C and 2 bars relative to its ideal gas standard state elements. 3. Compute the enthalpy, H(J/mol), of water at 250C and 2 bars relative to its ideal gas standard state elements. 4. Compute the enthalpy, H(J/mol), of a stream that is 50% methanol, 25% DME, and 25% water at 250C and 2 bars relative to its ideal gas standard state elements. |
12.05 - MOSCED and SSCED Theory | Click here. | 27.6923 | 13 |
This video walks you through the process of transforming the Scatchard-Hildebrand model into the SSCED model using Excel (6min, It steps systematically through the modifications to the spreadsheet to obtain the new model. You should implement the Scatchard-Hildebrand model before implementing this procedure. Comprehension Questions: |
09.03 - Shortcut Estimation of Saturation Properties | Click here. | 27.5 | 8 |
Shortcut estimation of thermodynamic properties (sample calculation) can be very quick and sometimes reasonably accurate.(6min, As a follow-up exercise, it is suggested to adapt the shortcut vapor pressure equation in combination with Eqn. 2.45 and the pathway of Fig. 2.6c to rapidly estimate stream properties. Briefly, all you need is an "IF" statement that checks whether the T is less than Tsat at the given P. If so, then H=Href+CpΔT+Hvap. If not, then H=Href+CpΔT. This can be a quick and convenient method to estimate stream attributes of a process flow diagram. One equation per cell and you're done. This sample calculation illustrates the process for the heat duty of a butane vaporizer and compares the PREOS to the methods of Chapter 2 (ie. Eq. 2.45 etc.) Comprehension Questions: Suppose you want to tabulate the entropy (S) of your stream attributes by this approach. |
10.09 Mixture Properties for Ideal Gases | Click here. | 26.6667 | 6 |
10.9 - 10.12 Mixture Properties Overview (6:53) ( This section of the text is thick with lots of equations. It may help to filter out the most important equations and results so that you have the perspective of the overall objectives of this section. There are a lot of equations in this section to show that the component fugacity in an ideal gas is simply the partial pressure! This screencast goes on to preview the most important results of the next sections to help you see the overall story. |
04.03 The Macroscopic View of Entropy | Click here. | 26.6667 | 6 |
Heat and entropy in a glass of water (uakron, 9min) Taking a glass from the refrigerator causes heat to flow from the room to the water. The temperature of the water slowly rises while the temperature of the (relatively large) room remains fairly constant. Applying the macroscopic definition of entropy makes it easy to compute the entropy changes, but is one larger than the other? Are all entropy changes greater than zero? What does the second law mean exactly? Comprehension Questions: 1. Describe your own example of a process with an entropy decrease and explain why it doesn't violate the second law. |
11.06 - Redlich-Kister and the Two-parameter Margules Models | Click here. | 26.6667 | 6 |
Binary VLE Flash Calculations Using the Lever Rule (, 6min) When you want to perform flash calculations with one activity model and many components, you should use the methods of Section 10. 4 or Section 12.7. When you want to perform flash calculations with two components and many activity models, this video shows the best method. Starting with a Txy or Pxy binary phase diagram, the procedure of Section 10.1 is easily adapted. Since binary Pxy and Txy diagrams are the first thing you do for any activity model, you can simply apply this procedure any time for any activity model. This example shows how to interpret the phase diagram for 2-propanol+water at 30C, similar to Figure 11.5. Comprehension Questions: Use the SCVP model of vapor pressures and the M2 activity model for the following. (Hint: you might want to watch the videos below before answering these.) |
11.07 - Activity Models at Special Compositions | Click here. | 26.6667 | 6 |
Fitting the M2 model parameters using Excel. (, 6min) Computing the A12 and A21 values from a azeotropic data is just like fitting at a single data point. The procedure is illustrated in this presentation for the benzene+ethanol system at 68.24C where the azeotropic composition is xE=0.448, like Example 11.6 in the textbook. Also following that example, the application of accurate Antoine constants and bubble temperature computation is illustrated. As another problem, you might be given infinite dilution activity coefficients. For example, Lazzaroni et al. list the ginfM=2.03 and ginfB=2.10 at 313K for the 1-butanol+methylethylketone system. Taking the limits of Eqn. 11.37 shows that A12=ln(ginf1) and A21=ln(ginf2). Predict whether this system is expected to exhibit an azeotrope at 760 mmHg. Comprehension Questions: You may assume the SCVP model for purposes of the calculations below (but you should use more accurate vapor pressure estimates for more professional purposes). 1. At 760 mm Hg the system acetone(1)+hexane(2) exhibits an azeotrope at 68 mole percent acetone with a boiling point of 49.8°C. |