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11.02 - Calculations with Activity Coefficients Click here. 100 3

Bubble Temperature (2:43) (

The culmination of the activity coefficient method is application of the fitted activity coefficients to extrapolate from limited experiments in a Stage III calculation. The bubble temperature is the easiest after bubble pressure. The recommended order of study is 1) Bubble Pressure; 2) Bubble Temperature; 3) Dew Pressure; 4) Dew Temperature. Note that an entire Txy diagram can be generated with bubble temperature calculations; no dew calculations are required.

11.02 - Calculations with Activity Coefficients Click here. 96.6667 6

Dew Temperature (7:57) (

The culmination of the activity coefficient method is application of the fitted activity coefficients to extrapolate from limited experiments in a Stage III calculation. The recommended order of study is 1) Bubble Pressure; 2) Bubble Temperature; 3) Dew Pressure; 4) Dew Temperature. Note that an entire Txy diagram can be generated with bubble temperature calculations; no dew calculations are required. However, many applications require dew calculations, so they cannot be avoided. The dew calculations are more complicated than bubble calculations, because the liquid activity coefficients are not known until the unknown liquid mole fractions are found. This screencast describes the procedure and how to implement the method in Matlab or Excel.

14.10 Solid-liquid Equilibria Click here. 95 4

SLE using Excel with the M1 model (7min,

Similar to LLE in Excel, the iteration feature can be used to quickly solve for SLE at multiple temperatures.

Comprehension Questions:
1. Estimate the solubility of naphthalene in benzene at 25C. (a) Use the ideal solution model. (b) Use the MAB model. (ANS. a. 0.306, b. 0.302)
2. Estimate the solubility of biphenyl in nhexane at 25C. (a) Use the ideal solution model. (b) Use the MAB model. 
3. Estimate the solubility of phenol in benzene at 25C. (a) Use the ideal solution model. (b) Use the MAB model. 

07.06 Solving The Cubic EOS for Z Click here. 95 4

1. Peng-Robinson PVT Properties - Excel (3:30) (

Introduction to PVT calculations using the Peng-Robinson workbook Preos.xlsx. Includes hints on changing the fluid and determining stable roots.

Comprehension Questions:

1. At 180K, what value of pressure gives you the minimum value for Z of methane? Hint: don't call solver.

2. At 30 bar, what value of pressure gives Z=0.95 for methane?

3. Compute the molar volume(s) (cm3/mol) for argon at 100K for each of the following?
(a) 3.000 bars (b) 4.000 bars (c) 3.26903 bars.

11.02 - Calculations with Activity Coefficients Click here. 87.5 8

Activity Coefficient Calculations in Matlab (6:12) (

An overview of the strategy of placing the activity coefficient models in a single folder, how the gammaModels .m files are used with scalars and vectors, and how to use the Matlab 'addpath' command to run the code from any folder on your computer.

10.01 - Introduction to Phase Diagrams Click here. 84 5

Bubble, Dew, Flash Concepts and the Lever Rule (4:01) (

Understanding what is present (known) and not present (unkown) for a given state of a system will help you decide which routine to use. Notation is introduced for liquids, vapor, and overall compositions. Also, the lever rule concept is used throughout the chemical engineering curriculum, but it is important to see how to use compositions for the lever rule.

Comprehension Questions:

1. Which variables are fixed and which do you need to find in each of the following:
a. Bubble temperature
b. Bubble pressure
c. Dew temperature
d. Dew pressure
e. Isothermal flash
f. Adiabatic flash

07.06 Solving The Cubic EOS for Z Click here. 82.8571 7

3. Using Preos.xlsx and Interpreting Output (11:38) (
This screencast includes discussion of what we mean by the casual terminology 'three root region' and 'one root region', and how to interpret screen output. Also, the screencast spends time dicussing selection of stable roots using fugacity.

Comprehension Questions:

1. Is it possible to have a 1-root region below the critical temperature?

2. Is it possible to have a 3-root region above the critical temperature?

3. How does fugacity help us to identify the proper root to select?

4. Would argon at 5 MPa be in the 1-root or 3-root region?

11.13 - Osmotic Pressure Click here. 80 3

MW of protein by osmotic pressure - (8:23) (

An application of osmotic pressure measurement to determine MW of a protein.

09.05 - Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient Click here. 80 2

In a contest for "the most hated word in Chemical Engineering," fugacity won by a landslide. This video (15min, reviews how the term was developed and why it's not really as bad as all that. In fact, it's a nice word that sets the stage for all of phase and reaction equilibrium with a straightforward extension of the same conceptual basis to mixtures. On second thought, perhaps the power of that conceptual basis and all that it implies is what really intimidates new students. Many perspectives have been offered to help overcome the frustration that students feel toward fugacity. If you like a comic book perspective, even that is available.

Comprehension Questions:

1.What is the fugacity of a vapor phase component in a mixture according to Raoult's law?
2.What is the fugacity of a liquid phase component in a mixture according to Raoult's law?
3. What word is modern usage is closely related to the latin root "fuga-"?
4. Water is in VLE at 0.7 bars in a fixed volume vessel. Five cm3 of air are injected into the vessel and the temperature is allowed to return to its original value. Does the water in the vapor phase increase, decrease, or remain the same? (, 2min) (Hint: you may assume that air does not dissolve in the liquid water and the pressure is sufficiently low that the vapor can be assumed to behave as an ideal gas.)

13.05 - UNIFAC Click here. 73.3333 6

UNIFAC concepts (8:17) (

UNIFAC is an extension of the UNIQUAC method where the residual contribution is predicted based on group contributions using energy parameters regressed from a large data set of mixtures. This screecast introduces the concepts used in model development. You may want to review group contribution methods before watching this presentation.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What is the difference between the upper case Θ of UNIFAC and the lower cast θ of UNIQUAC?

2. Suppose you had a mixture that was exactly the same proportions as the lower right "bubble" in slide 2. Compute ΘOH for that mixture.

3. Compare your value computed in 2 to the value given by unifac.xls.
