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04.09 Turbine calculations Click here. 60 6

General procedure to solve for steam turbine efficiency. (, 5min) This video outlines the procedure without actually solving any specific problem. It shows how inefficiency affects the T-S diagram and how to compute the actual temperature at the turbine outlet.
Comprehension Questions:
1. In this video, the entropy at the outlet of the actual turbine is to the right of the entropy for the reversible turbine. Suppose we were interested in the T-S diagram for a 75% efficient compressor. Would the outlet entropy of the actual compressor be to the right of the entropy for the reversible turbine, to the left, or about the same? Explain.
2. In the video, Prof. Falconer states that the outlet entropy must be the same as the inlet entropy because the process is reversible and one other property. What is the other requirement for the turbine to be isentropic? Explain.
3. Will inefficiency in the turbine always cause the temperature at the outlet to be higher than the inlet? Explain.

14.04 LLE Using Activities Click here. 60 2

Txy Phase Diagram Showing LLE and VLE Simultaneously (9min,

The binary Txy phase diagram of methanol+benzene is visualized with sample calculations of the SSCED model with several values of the nonideality (kij) parameter. The calculations show the liquid-liquid equilibrium (LLE) phase boundary as well as the vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) boundary. As the estimated nonideality (kij) increases, the LLE boundary crashes into the VLE. It is so exciting that it makes a thermo nerd wax poetic about the "valley of Gibbs."

Comprehension Questions:

1. The LLE phase boundary moves up as the nonideality increases. Which way does the VLE contribution move? Explain how this relates to the molecules' escaping tendencies.
2. How would this phase diagram change if the pressure was increased to, say, 10 bars?
3. What value of kij is required to make the LLE binodal barely touch the VLE at 1 bar?
4. What value of kij is required to make the LLE binodal barely touch the VLE at 10 bars?

10.03 - Binary VLE using Raoult's Law Click here. 60 4

Raoult's Law Calculation Procedures (11:45) (
Details on how to implement bubble, dew, and flash calculations for Raoult's Law. This screencast shows sample calculations for the bubble pressure and dew pressure of methanol+ethanol.

Comprehension Questions: Assume the ideal solution SCVP model (Eqns. 2.47 and 10.8).

1. Estimate the bubble pressure (bars) of 30% acetone + 70% benzene at 333K.
2. Estimate the dew temperature (K) of 30% acetone + 70% benzene at 1 bar.
3. Estimate the fraction vapor and phase compositions ethylamine+ethanol at 298K, 400mmHg and a feed of 60%amine.

08.07 - Implementation of Departure Functions Click here. 60 2

Helmholtz Departure - PR EOS (, 11min) This lesson focuses first and foremost on deriving the Helmholtz departure function. It illustrates the application of integral tables from Apx. B and the importance of applying the limits of integration. It is the essential starting point for deriving properties involving entropy (S,A,G) of the PREOS, and it is a convenient starting point for deriving energetic properties (U,H).

05.4 - Refrigeration Click here. 60 5

Refrigeration Cycle Introduction (, 3min) explains each step in an ordinary vapor compression (OVC) refrigeration cycle and the energy balance for the step. You might also enjoy the more classical introduction (USAF, 11min) representing your tax dollars at work. The musical introduction is quite impressive and several common misconceptions are addressed near the end of the video.
Comprehension Questions: Assume zero subcooling and superheating in the condenser and evaporator.
1. An OVC operates with 43 C in the condenser and -33 C in the evaporator. Why is the condenser temperature higher than than the evaporator temperature? Shouldn't it be the other way around? Explain.
2. An OVC operates with 43 C in the condenser and -33 C in the evaporator. The operating fluid is R134a. Estimate the pressures in the condenser and evaporator using the table in Appendix E-12.
3. An OVC operates with 43 C in the condenser and -33 C in the evaporator. The operating fluid is R134a. Estimate the pressures in the condenser and evaporator using the chart in Appendix E-12.
4. An OVC operates with 43 C in the condenser and -33 C in the evaporator. The operating fluid is R134a. Estimate the pressures in the condenser and evaporator using Eqn 2.47.
5. An OVC operates with 43 C in the condenser and -33 C in the evaporator. Assume the compressor of the OVC cycle is adiabatic and reversible. What two variables (P,V,T,U,H,S) determine the state at the outlet of the compressor?

03.1 - Heat Engines and Heat Pumps: The Carnot Cycle Click here. 60 2

Heat Engine Introduction (, 6min) introduction to Carnot heat engine and Rankine cycle. The Carnot cycle is an idealized conceptual process in the sense that it provides the maximum possible fractional conversion of heat into work (aka. thermal efficiency, ηθ). But it is impractical for several reasons as discussed in the video. When operating on steam as the working fluid, as is common in nuclear power plants, coal fired power plants, and concentrated solar power plants, the Rankine cycle is much more practical, as explained here. This LearnChemE video is short and sweet, but it applies the property of entropy, which is not introduced until Chapter 4. All you need to know about entropy at this stage is that the change in entropy is zero for an adiabatic and reversible process and the change in entropy is greater than zero when you add heat or cause irreversibility. Since entropy is a state function, we can use the steam tables to facilitate accounting for inefficiencies. Entropy becomes essential when using steam as the working fluid because working out ∫PdV of steam is much more difficult than for an ideal gas. We reiterate this video in Chapter 5, where we discuss calculations for several practical cyclic processes.

Comprehension Questions:
1. Why is the Carnot cycle impractical when it comes to running steam through a turbine? How does the Rankine cycle solve this problem?
2. Why is the Carnot cycle impractical when it comes to running steam through a pump? How does the Rankine cycle solve this problem?
3. It is obvious which temperatures are the "high" and "low" temperatures in the Carnot cycle, but not so much in the Rankine cycle. The "boiler" in a Rankine cycle actually consists of "simple boiling" where the saturated liquid is converted to saturated vapor, and superheating where the saturated vapor is raised to the temperature entering the turbine. When comparing the thermal efficiency of a Rankine cycle to the Carnot efficiency, should we substitute the temperature during "simple" boiling, or the temperature entering the turbine into the formula for the Carnot efficiency? Explain.

04.02 The Microscopic View of Entropy Click here. 60 7

Principles of Probability.

This is supplemental Material from "Molecular Driving Forces, K.A. Dill, S. Bromberg", Garland Science, New York:NY, 2003, Chapter 1. See the next three screencasts. This content is useful for graduate level courses that go into more depth or for students interested in more background on probability.

Download Handout Notes to Accompany Screencasts (

12.01 - The van der Waals Perspective for Mixtures Click here. 60 9

Mixing Rules (7:23) (

How should energy depend on composition? Should it be linear or non-linear? What does the van der Waals approach tell us about composition dependence? This screencasts shows that the mixing rule for 'a' in a random mixture should be quadratic. A linear mixing rule is usually used for the van der Waals size parameter.

13.01 - Local Composition Theory Click here. 60 13

Local Composition Concepts (6:51) (

The local composition models of chapter 13 share common features covered in this screencasts. An understanding of these principles will make all the algebra in the models less daunting.

Comprehension Questions:

1. In the picture of molecules given in the presentation on slide 2, what is the numerical value of the local composition x11?
2. In the same picture, what is overall composition x1?
3. What value of Ω21 can you infer from 1 and 2 above and the equations on slide 3?

12.03 - Scatchard-Hildebrand Theory Click here. 60 16

Scatchard-Hildebrand Theory (6:53) (

Have you ever heard 'Like dissolves like'? Here we see that numerically. The Scatchard-Hildebrand model builds on the van Laar equation by using pure component information. Scatchard and Hildebrand replaced the energy departure with the experimental energy of vaporization. Because this is related to the 'a' parameter in the van Laar theory, they developed a parameter called the 'solubility parameter', but based it on the energy of vaporization. Interestingly, the model reduces to the one parameter Margules equation when the molar volumes are the same.

Comprehension Questions:

1. Based on the Scatchard-Hildebrand  model, arrange the following mixtures from  most compatible to least compatible.  (a) Pentane+hexane,   (b) decane+decalin,  (c) 1-hexene+dodecanol,   (d) pyridine+methanol,
Most compatible                                                                     Least compatible

 _____                          ______                             ______                          ______
