12.07 Multicomponent Extensions of van Der Waals' Models


M1/MAB Extension of the Multicomponent Flash Spreadsheet (19min, uakron.edu) adapted from Ideal Solutions (cf Section 10.4)

Shows how to modify the spreadsheet created for Ideal Solutions (Section 10.4) to apply modified Raoult's law for 5 components using the M1/MAB model.

Note: This is a companion file in a series. You may wish to choose your own order for viewing them. For example, you should implement the first three videos before implementing this one. Also, you might like to see how to quickly visualize the Txy analog of the Pxy phase diagram. If you see a phase diagram like the ones in section 11.8, you might want to learn about LLE phase diagrams. The links on the software tutorial present a summary of the techniques to be implemented throughout Unit3 in a quick access format that is more compact than what is presented elsewhere. Some students may find it helpful to refer to this compact list when they find themselves "not being able to find the forest because of all the trees."

Comprehension Questions:
1. Find the bubble and dew pressures of an equimolar mixture of chloroform, acetone, and ethanol at 5 bars using the MAB model. Then compute V/F x and y at the pressure that is halfway between dew and bubble. Is it what you expected?
2. Find the bubble and dew pressures of an equimolar mixture of acetone, ethanol, and methane at 5 bars using the MAB model. Then compute V/F x and y at the pressure that is halfway between dew and bubble. Is it what you expected?
3. Find the bubble and dew pressures of an equimolar mixture of chloroform, acetone, and ethanol at 5 bars using the MAB model. Then compute V/F x and y at the pressure that is halfway between dew and bubble. Is it what you expected?
4. Find the bubble and dew pressures of an equimolar mixture of acetone, ethanol, and methane at 5 bars using the MAB model. Then compute V/F x and y at the pressure that is halfway between dew and bubble. Is it what you expected?

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The extension to the multicomponent M2 flash spreadsheet (uakron.edu, 10min) adapts the multicomponent M1 spreadsheet by recognizing that summing rows of a matrix times mole fractions involves a simple matrix multiplication. (Matrix operations involve highlighting the cells of interest, typing the MMULT function, and hitting ctrl+shift+enter.) The column multiplication simply applies the sumproduct function. In this way, we just need to insert one more column relative to the multicomponent M1 spreadsheet, then change the expression for gi, and we are done.

Comprehension Questions:
1. Find the bubble and dew temperatures of an equimolar mixture of 2-propanol, water, and methanol at 2 bars using the M2 model. Then compute V/F x and y at the temperature that is halfway between dew and bubble. Is it what you expected?
2. Find the bubble and dew temperatures of an equimolar mixture of 2-propanol, water, and methanol at 3 bars using the M2 model. Then compute V/F x and y at the temperature that is halfway between dew and bubble. Is it what you expected?
3. Find the bubble and dew temperatures of an equimolar mixture of 2-propanol, water, and methanol at 4 bars using the M2 model. Then compute V/F x and y at the temperature that is halfway between dew and bubble. Is it what you expected?
4. Find the bubble and dew temperatures of an equimolar mixture of 2-propanol, water, and methanol at 5 bars using the M2 model. Then compute V/F x and y at the temperature that is halfway between dew and bubble. Is it what you expected?

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