13.05 - UNIFAC

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Unifac.xls Calculation of Bubble Temperature. (3 min) (LearnChemE.com)
Comprehension Questions: Download Unifac.xls from the software link and use it to answer the following.
1. Estimate the activity coefficient of IPA in water at 80C and xw = 0.1.
2. Estimate the fugacity for IPA in water at 80C and xw =0.1.
3. Estimate the total pressure at 80C when xw =0.1.
4. Estimate the bubble temperature of IPA in water at 760mmHg and xw =0.1.

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UNIFAC concepts (8:17) (msu.edu)

UNIFAC is an extension of the UNIQUAC method where the residual contribution is predicted based on group contributions using energy parameters regressed from a large data set of mixtures. This screecast introduces the concepts used in model development. You may want to review group contribution methods before watching this presentation.

Comprehension Questions:

1. What is the difference between the upper case Θ of UNIFAC and the lower cast θ of UNIQUAC?

2. Suppose you had a mixture that was exactly the same proportions as the lower right "bubble" in slide 2. Compute ΘOH for that mixture.

3. Compare your value computed in 2 to the value given by unifac.xls.

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