10.04 - Multicomponent VLE & Raoult's Law Calculations


This example shows how to use VLookup with the xls Solver to facilitate  multicomponent  VLE calculations for ideal solutions: bubble, dew, and isothermal flash. (15min, uakron.edu) The product xls file serves as a starting point for multicomponent VLE calculations with activity models and for adiabatic flash and stream enthalpy calculations. This video shows sample calculations for the bubble, dew, and flash of propane, isobutane, and n-butane, like Example 10.1.

Note: This is a companion file in a series. You may wish to choose your own order for viewing them. For example, you should implement the first three videos before implementing this one. Also, you might like to see how to quickly visualize the Txy analog of the Pxy phase diagram. If you see a phase diagram like the ones in section 11.8, you might want to learn about LLE phase diagrams. The links on the software tutorial present a summary of the techniques to be implemented throughout Unit3 in a quick access format that is more compact than what is presented elsewhere. Some students may find it helpful to refer to this compact list when they find themselves "not being able to find the forest because of all the trees."

Comprehension Questions - Assume the reboiler composition for the column in Example 10.1 was zi={0.2,0.3,0.5} for n-butane, isopentane, and n-pentane, respectively.

a)  Calculate the temperature at which the boiler must operate in order to boil the bottoms product completely at 8 bars.
b)  Assuming the bottoms product liquid is in equilibrium with the liquid in the boiler, calculate the temperature of boiler and composition of the vapor in the boiler.
c)  Suppose this stream is to be boiled again and the vapor returned to the column with a ratio of 2 parts vapor to 1 product. (FYI: this is known as "boilup ratio.") Find the relevant temperature and compositions.

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This example hypothesizes a "pre-quel" to Example 10.1 in the form of a liquid reactor at 20 bars and asks what temperature the reactor must have been in order to result in the flash at 320K and 8 bars if no heat was added. This requires an adiabatic flash calculation. (7min, uakron.edu) The procedure demonstrated here applies the enthalpy pathway of Fig. 2.6c, with Eqn. 2.45 to estimate heats of vaporization. With this approach, you should be able to solve for mass and energy balances of any mixture at any vapor fraction. You should watch the video about Multicomponent VLE for Ideal Solutions before this one (see link above).

Note: This is a companion file in a series. You may wish to choose your own order for viewing them. For example, you should implement the first three videos before implementing this one. Also, you might like to see how to quickly visualize the Txy analog of the Pxy phase diagram. If you see a phase diagram like the ones in section 11.8, you might want to learn about LLE phase diagrams. The links on the software tutorial present a summary of the techniques to be implemented throughout Unit3 in a quick access format that is more compact than what is presented elsewhere. Some students may find it helpful to refer to this compact list when they find themselves "not being able to find the forest because of all the trees."

Comprehension Questions
1. Make a spreadsheet like the one in the video. Modify the compositions  to make a binary system like Example 10.2. Can you reproduce the results of Example 10.2?
2. Suppose a reactor was at 380K and 2MPa with a composition of {0.115, 0.335, 0.15, 0.15, 0.25} for {propane, isobutane, nbutane, isopentane, npentane}. What would be the adiabatic T&q of this stream exiting a valve at 8 bars?

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